
佘彦飞 2022/3/27 9:42:42     来源:21天入门公众号     点击:755     序号:6250
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大提琴素来有着消沉诱人的音色,极为发热友所喜欢。大提琴的汗青能够追溯到16世纪末,是一种叫作 “低音维奥尔琴 ”或 “膝间维奥尔琴 ”的15世纪的乐器  演化而来。维奥尔琴的体积不像大提琴那么大,弧形也不那么分明,但吹奏时能够夹在两膝之间,像大提  琴那样用弓拉奏。

大提琴最早在意大利语中被拼作 Violoncello ,后来逐步简写为 Cello 。 大提琴以其热闹而丰厚的音色著称,是交响乐队中最普遍的乐器之一。合适表演种种脚色: 有时参加低音营垒,在低声部收回繁重的叹  息;有时以当中两根弦起到节奏中坚的作用。

大提琴最为光辉的时刻,要数作曲家付与其表示如歌的旋律的任务。全部大提琴组奏出的美好的旋律,足以令交响乐队中的任何其它乐器都黯然失神。大提琴音色雄壮深沉。高音区明澈爽朗带胸声特点,好象是  男高音歌唱,热情而富有诗意,中音区饱满平和,低音区较深厚。

大提琴的吹奏潇洒沉着,从宽厚温情中流出来的美好旋律,以及那种丰腴流丽的韵致,令人忘情于人间。大提琴深情的音色令 18 、19 世纪的古典主义与浪漫主义大师们为大提琴写下了大批的独奏曲和协奏  曲,使大提琴的机能与技巧获得了充沛的开展与发扬,此中帕格尼尼《海顿主题变奏曲》、舒柏特《圣母颂》、柴可夫斯基的《小夜曲》等黄金曲目,不断以来备受大提琴吹奏家们的喜爱,成为大提琴的经典演  奏曲目。


01. Le carnaval des animaux [Carnival of the Animals] : XIII The Swan G her ü Pekinel, Marek Janowski...

02. Cello Concerto in D minor : II Intermezzo Charles M nch & ü Orchestre de l'Association des Concerts Lamoureux

03. 12 Children's Songs Op.54 : X Lullaby in a Storm Constantin Orbelian & Moscow Chamber Orchestra

04. Romance Op.36 Jean Hubeau

05. Cello Concerto No.9 in B flat major G482 : III Rondo - Allegro Bournemouth Snietta

06. Concerto for 2 Cellos in G minor RV531 : II Largo Giovanni Antonini & Il Giardino Armonico

07. Cello Sonata in G minor Op.65 : III Largo Fran?ois-Ren é Duchable

08. Polonaise in C major Klaus Stoll

09. Cello Concerto in D major Hob.VIIb No.2 : III Allegro Bournemouth Snietta & Theodor Guschlbauer

10. Duo for 2 cellos in G major, Op.1/3 : Adagio-Presto Ensemble Orchestral de Paris & Jean-Pierre Wallez

11. Cello Sonata No.4 in B flat major RV45 : I Largo Robert Veyron-Lacroix

12. Cello Sonata No.1 in D minor, Op.109 : II Andante Jean-Claude Pennetier

13. él égie in C minor, Op.24 Jean-Claude Pennetier

14. 6 Songs Op.73 : No.6 “Alone again, as before” Constantin Orbelian & Moscow Chamber Orchestra

15. Cello Concerto No.1 in G major : Romance Ensemble Orchestral de Paris & Jean-Pierre Wallez

16. Cello Sonata, L135 : III Finale Jean Hubeau

17. String Quartet No.1 in D major, Op.11 : II Andante cantabile Constantin Orbelian & Moscow Chamber Orchestra

18. Cello Suite No.3 in C major BWV1009 : VI Gigue Constantin Orbelian & Moscow Chamber Orchestra

19. Cello Concerto in D major RV403 : I Allegro Il Giardino Armonico

20. Sonata for Cello & Harp in G major Op.115 : III Rondo Helga Storck

21. Cello Suite No.4 in E flat major BWV1010 : II Allemande Constantin Orbelian & Moscow Chamber Orchestra

22. Cello Concerto in G minor RV416 : III Allegro Giancarlo Pavan, Giancarlo Rado...

23. 6 Songs Op.57 : No.3 “Don't ask” Constantin Orbelian & Moscow Chamber Orchestra

24. Cello Concerto in B flat major RV423 : I Allegro Giancarlo Rado, Gianpietro Rosato, Giorgio Fava...

25. Cello Sonata No.7 in B flat major G8 : III Larghetto - Allegro - Larghetto Anner Bylsma

26. Sonata No.3 for 2 Cellos in A minor : III Minuet - Allegro Anner Bylsma

27. Sonata No.1 in B flat major : II Adagio Klaus Stoll

28. Cello Concerto No.8 in C major G481 : III Allegretto Concerto Amsterdam & Jaap Schr?der

29. Cello Concerto in D minor : II Intermezzo Charles Dutoit & Philharmonia Orchestra

30. Cello Sonata in G minor Op.65 : II Allegro con brio Nikolai Lugansky

31. Cello Suite No.1 in G major BWV1007 : I Prelude Constantin Orbelian & Moscow Chamber Orchestra

32. Cello Sonata in G Minor Op.19 : III Andante Nikolai Lugansky

33. 6 Songs Op.16 : No.5 “No! there was only one who knew” Constantin Orbelian & Moscow Chamber Orchestra

34. 6 Songs Op.6 : No.5 “'Why?” Constantin Orbelian & Moscow Chamber Orchestra

35. Cello Sonata No.1 in B flat major RV47 : IV Allegro Robert Veyron-Lacroix

36. Cello Concerto in B minor Op.104 : II Adagio, ma non troppo Joseph Keilberth & Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg

37. Sonata for Cello & Harp in G major Op.115 : II Larghetto Helga Storck

38. Cello Suite No.5 in C minor BWV1011 : V Gavottes I & II Constantin Orbelian & Moscow Chamber Orchestra

39. Sonata No.3 in G major : III Minuetto Klaus Stoll

40. Cello Concerto No.1 in A minor Op.33 : I Allegro non troppo Charles M nch & ü Orchestre de l'Association des Concerts Lamoureux。



